In episode 34 of Outrageously Evolving, Aliza Bloom Robinson (New Humanity Now), Francesca Cassini (the Silver Tent) and Soleira Green (The Global Visionary Network) talk about how we're experiencing ourselves in new ways as a new WOMAN rising.
We're collaborative, innovative, unique and celebrating the uniqueness of all we meet. We're sovereign and love who we are. We operate in a new paradigm of reality, beyond hierarchical and competitive, as collaborative co-creators up to making the world brighter and connected with all life. We see a similar rising in the men and children we meet ... a rising that sources respect for all and a celebration of differences. Together we are elevating and evolving the world in brilliant new ways.
You can connect with us as follows...
Aliza Bloom Robinson, New Humanity Now,
Francesca Cassini, The Silver Tent,
Soleira Green, The Global Visionary Network,
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